Experienced. Dedicated. Result-Driven.
Each client who comes to Warren Gammill & Associates, P.L., in Miami, Florida, gets personalized attention from a seasoned attorney. We are dedicated to our clients, including those who own businesses or rental properties.
Commercial Law Attorney Dedicated To Your Business
Warren P. Gammill established our firm to help businesses and individuals involved in a dispute or victimized by fraud or other intentional wrongdoing. For over 35 years, he has provided our clients with aggressive representation and thorough and skilled handling of their cases.
Experienced Attorney Managing Your Case At All Times
The name on the door is the name of the lawyer helping you.
Victims of intentional torts or any aspect of business fraud demand that type of representation, and we deliver. If you need help with a real estate, construction or any type of business dispute, do not hesitate to call us.
Hands-On And Personalized Service
The size of our law firm allows us to provide hands-on business law services. For more information or to schedule an appointment with experienced corporate litigation and real estate law attorney, please contact us. Call 305-579-0000.