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When should you settle rather than fight?

As portrayed on TV and in the movies, legal cases seemingly always end up going to trial where they are decided by juries. This makes sense as the courtroom is the perfect setting for dramatic action.

However, in real life, most cases never go to trial. In criminal cases, there are usually plea bargains made on behalf of the defendants. In civil cases, typically both sides are able to reach a settlement agreement.

When two parties agree to a settlement, it is after they have negotiated an acceptable amount of money that is to exchange hands. In addition, the plaintiff will typically have to agree not to pursue further legal action against the defendant.

If you are the plaintiff or the defendant in a civil suit, there are a number of things that can inform your decision whether to settle or go to trial. The following are some important considerations:

  • What are the chances that you could win in a trial?
  • What is the dollar range you believe the case is worth?
  • What kind of publicity do you think could be generated by a trial?
  • What has been the outcome in similar cases?
  • What are you willing to concede to get a settlement?

These are just a few of the items you need to consider before deciding if you want to accept the terms of a settlement. As was stated, most civil suits are settled, but to get the terms you’ll find acceptable, you may want to solicit the services of a Florida business litigation attorney. An experienced attorney could negotiate a settlement that will help to protect your financial interests and the well-being of your company.