An intentional tort means the person committed an act toward or person or property knowing there would be consequences. A person can also be compensated if they are found to be a victim of an intentional tort in business. Intentional business torts can be classified into various categories.
One type of tort is assault, which means an intentional act that causes apprehension in the victim. However, fear and physical injuries aren’t needed to make it a tort. An example of an assault would be using fake weapons in a place of employment to intimidate someone that caused anxiety. If the defendant hits a person who is aware of the threat, it would also be assault.
A battery means a full harmful intended assault that could include unwanted touching without injuries. A battery does not usually create apprehension or fear, because the victim didn’t see the act coming. For example, if someone sneaked behind an unaware person and hit them on the head and caused injury with or without a weapon, it would be battery. If they stood behind an unaware person and raised a fist as if to strike, it would be neither assault nor battery.
When touching or physical contact did not happen, intentional inflicted emotional distress could apply. Normal emotional stress, such as driving in heavy traffic, working longer hours, employment firings, or non-discriminatory insults, would not be considered IIED. The defendant has to behave in an extreme and outrageous way and threaten physical security for it to be classified as an IIED case. IIED cases could include an employer that discriminates against an employee or allows an employee to be harassed by other employs.
Invasion of privacy and false imprisonment are also grounds for intentional torts. An attorney can represent anyone who feels their rights have been violated by intentional torts and need proof.