No responsible business owner wants to engage in litigation – even when they know they’re on the right side and are likely to prevail. Fortunately, with smart strategizing, you can maximize your chances of protecting your rights without having to get involved in a...
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Business Litigation
How effective are NDAs in protecting trade secrets?
Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are legally enforceable contracts that bind parties to confidentiality. They can be resourceful tools for protecting your business trade secrets by preventing the unauthorized sharing of proprietary information. But how effective are...
How to handle conflict with your business partner
Despite taking time to choose a reliable partner and having a clear, binding contract, you and your business partner may find yourselves conflicting from time to time. It's not uncommon for business partners to disagree. Disagreeing with your business partner does not...
Business-to-business fraud is a possibility in the 21st century
Florida's sunshine state status is about more than beautiful weather and sandy beaches. It also reflects a thriving business environment that attracts many entrepreneurs and investors. This vibrant landscape, however, can also attract those looking to exploit...